
TANKOIL is an independent inspection company was established in 2001

Services That We Offer

Loss control and super intendence
Metals and Minerals
Inventory Management
Water Quality

Merghim, North End of Ghiath Gomaa School of Str., Behind El Safa company, Amerya , Alexandria - Egypt

Allergens and GMO Testing

Allergens and GMO Testing Services

Allergens and GMO Testing

Allergen and GMO Testing

In our laboratories, we utilize molecular biology techniques such as E.L.IS.A., PCR, and LC-MS/MS for determining GMOs, allergens, and identifying animal, plant, and bacterial species.

Allergens and GMO Testing Services

Spot the sneaky, test boldly

Allergens testing

Concerns about allergens listed as safety issues are gaining attention among policymakers. While not considered full “contaminants,” they can be potentially lethal. Consequently, proper labeling for allergens has become critically important. Tankoil’s food safety laboratories offer testing and labeling solutions throughout the supply chain.

Our allergen testing services employ traditional

  • Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  • advanced Digital PCR methods for DNA detection
  • immunoassays/antigenic methods like E.L.IS.A. for protein detection.
  • Mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

complements the analytical package, playing a crucial role in confirming E.L.IS.A. and PCR results, ensuring both sensitivity and specificity.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

GOMs are subject to strict government controls. Seed manufacturers and agri-traders must conduct tests to screen products, particularly in the European Union, known for its stringent regulations on importing, growing, and selling genetically modified crops.

Our GMO testing methods are based on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for screening modified DNA, providing a comprehensive approach to compliance and product safety.


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